LFE23504-1410709 M3.5 - Culture&Society in Br.&US - Pr. khalid SAID
M3.5 - Culture&Society in Br.&US
This course is intended to provide a wide-ranging introduction to British/American History, Culture and present-day British/American society with a focus on the principal events, ideas, conflicts, and individuals of modern British/American history. It also aims to develop in the students the skills of thinking and reading critically, along with evaluating the implications of the historical events in shaping the present day with a critical eye.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
• have knowledge and understanding of British/American culture and society in a historical perspective
• have knowledge about the historic development of British institutions

Lectures by the instructor and the student-led facilitation of the course topics make the core of the present course. Students are expected to make every effort to contribute meaningfully to planned and spontaneous discussions and to make use of opportunities for personally relevant learning.